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KQTx Events Calendar

Submit Your Event to the KQTx Events Calendar

Korean Queer & Transgender National Network (KQTx) is hosting a calendar that collects events specifically for those who identify as Korean, queer, and/or transgender (KQTs)!

With this events calendar, you can find out what other KQTs are doing around the country or even globally.

Also, if you want to share and promote any KQT-specific events, please fill out the submission form.

Submission Guidelines

For the submissions to be approved, the events will need to:

  1. Be specifically for KQTs

  2. Abide by KQTx’s Guiding Principles.

  3. We will review them within two weeks and upload them on the calendar upon approval. 

We are excited to find out and share amazing events KQTs are hosting and share spaces with you all.
Thank you for using the calendar to foster connection and community! 

For questions, please contact us at

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